
Summit Farms
Contact: Mitch and Michelle Lewis
Address: 11815 Whitehall Lane SE Olympia , WA, 98501
Phone: 707-540-5567
About Us
Summit Farms is a 28-acre historical family farm near Millersylvania State Park in Olympia. We are Mitch and Michelle, late-in-life, passionate newbie farmers. Every vegetable or start is lovingly grown and hand-tended from only non-GMO seed, OMRI-approved soil, hand-weeded and fed, and harvested fresh by us every week during the season. We have one large greenhouse and a second that we are covering this spring (for heat-loving vegetables), along with a designated acre for larger crops such as pumpkins, squash, zucchini, corn and others (potatoes, carrots, peas and sunflowers - for pollinator, beauty and edible seeds). We sell on weekends at the Olympia Farmers Market and we’re proud to be able to offer to SSF customers the highest quality produce and high-yielding, hardy, nourishing plants. We specialize in (most) all of the ingredients to make salsas, sauces, pickles and relishes such as tomatoes (including tomatillo), peppers (from bell to habanero and beyond), cucumbers, along with a wide variety of herbs (cilantro dill, e.g.), and over-wintered music hard-neck garlic, white onions and red shallots. Our veg starts are “our babies” and only the best-of-the-best are for sale here. Besides our specialty veggies we have mature seascape strawberry starts and 2nd-year perennial globe artichoke plants, and other seasonal varieties starting in early April are updated on our website and here. We celebrate our two-year anniversary of growing on the farm in May 2023, and we are also on the Thurston Bountiful Byway (with a WA heritage-listed barn), CFLT, Olympia Visitors Guide and are fortunate to be supported by the TCD, WSU Extension, WSDA and many long-term farmers who have and continue to advise us while we continue to learn.
We have created a Whole Farm Plan as part of the Cultivating Success course at WSU Extension, along with an approved Voluntary Conservation Plan from the Thurston Conservation District (TCD). We are also building to a permaculture approach where we integrate such concepts as forest gardens to our practices. We only use non-GMO heirloom seed and all of our soil, nutrients, fertilizer is OMRI. We don’t own any chemicals and fight against the weeds and pests using natural methods including companion planting with garlic and onions, plus our own hands and tools. We have a natural pollinator environment for both bees, butterflies and birds; with three colonies of mature bees on property – currently enjoying the blackberry bushes and pollinating our old growth collection of apple, pear, peach, plum, walnut and hazelnut trees. We use low impact, reduced-till implements and tools and are striving to have regenerative soil by crop rotation and companion planting. We appreciate your business and supporting small family farms in Thurston County!